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    Not So Ache Din

    As the world transitions into the second decade of the 21st century, India slips back into the not so glorious 1970s.  Popular opinion says Indians are living in an undeclared emergency, it seems the Congress and the BJP have more in common than expected. Communal riots, persecution of demonstrators, people in power blatantly and unfairly obstructing democracy, sound familiar?

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    State-Funded Coal Industries: India NEEDS Climate Justice

    Achieving climatic normalcy is not impossible, especially with a country that has resources like India. We need climate action, and we need it now. If through the constant filing of petitions and strikes, the people of India can convince the government to use the profits generated from Coal India to produce renewable energy, in 4 years, almost every household in India can have electricity generated from a renewable source of energy.

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    Gun Violence: The American Nightmare

    In the long run, continual deaths due to gun-violence could lead to emigration, low employment rates, illiteracy and poverty, fuelling nothing but undeserved supremacy. These issues could outvalue the NRA’s funding to law-makers, because, one way, or another, the American citizens will get what they deserve, life.

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    Breaking the Facade: Abortion Bans

    I may live across the world from Alabama, Georgia, and Louisiana, but that does not mean that these abortion bans do not affect me, and every other woman in the world. What conservative law-makers intend to do through criminalizing something that ideally should be a woman’s right, is that they are permanently casting away women's rights, stagnating any progress and trying to create general disagreement among the people of the nation they have sworn to uplift. 

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    When I was younger, my bedtime would be at 9:30. I would be tucked in bed by 9:30, asleep by 10:00, with just about eight and a half hours of sleep before school. Sleeping after 11 o’clock would make me feel like I was breaking a rule or doing something very erroneous. I am fourteen years old today, and I am up at precisely 12:48 AM writing this. So it is quite blatant, a lot has changed. What was once considered by me as something so savage, to never be done is now a habitual aspect of my life. When you ponder over it for a while, you come to…

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    Rape: The Ceaseless Domino

    A number of us wear earplugs when it is noisy, to cancel out any noise around us. However, more often than not, perhaps unintentionally, we do the same with what is happening around us in life. Rape. It is extremely nauseating, the fact that I have to be told not to go out late at night, not to go to certain places, not to wear certain things. Why? Because it is not safe if I don’t. It is sickening, for a child to be told things like this because some men and women cannot, or rather, refuse to contain their emotions. Just something I want to clarify here is that…